Obrázok pre výrobcu Medium rectangle NFC sticker with the N-mark graphics

Medium rectangle NFC sticker with the N-mark graphics

Rýchly prehľad

Rectangle coloured sticker with the N-Mark graphics. Ultralight Technology, size 35x50mm.

Hi-quality NFC sticker with Ultralight Technology. The sticker is designed for direct application. Diameter of the round tag antenna itself is 25mm.

Due to limited memory size, the tag is suitable mainly for marketing purposes, interactive advertisements and for storing WEB links.

Mifare Ultralight technology is supported by smartphones using Android and Blackberry operating systems. With Windows Phone it may be required to format into NDEF type first (can be done with the phone).

The N-Mark is a registered trademark of the NFC Forum Organization. The rules for using NFC tags with the N-Mark symbolics are ruled by the NFC forum regulations. In case you choose that we program the tag for you, we guarantee the NFC tag configuration and specification to fully comply with the NFC Forum specifications.

Povrchová úprava Farebný
Formát Obdĺžník
Veľkosť antény 35x50mm
Typ čipu NTAG203
Pamäť 144 Bytes
Sila signálu 9
Napíšte vlastnú recenziu
Zlé Výborné
  • Komentáre môžu písať len registrovaní užívatelia.
Manuálne programovanie
CENOVÁ AKCIA - čím viac kúpite, tým viac ušetríte
55,00 Kč
53,00 Kč
45,00 Kč
38,00 Kč
Dostupnosť: Na sklade
55,00 Kč (CZK) s DPH